Sunday, July 11, 2004

11th July 2004 Sunday.


I have finally started with my own business. It has not been an easy week. Thankfully, we have already managed to get my company registered and even got ourselves a company van. The work is tedious. With many deliveries and loads after loads of goods to deliver, me and my partner have been putting in 16 Hrs of work everyday. Of course, as with many initial start ups, there will be hiccups here and there. We have managed to overcome the problems and have put measures to ensure it never happens again. I have learnt much the past week or so. But i have enjoyed every hour of it. Ultimately, it is my own company now. My own baby, one that i am proud of, and one which i will give my entire life to make sure it grows.

On the personal front, i have been pleasently suprised that there are actually a number of people who are fine with who and what i am. It means alot to me that there are at least a few people out there i can truely call my friends. Perhaps there really is a brighter side to the dark horizons after all. I tried to push people away. I treid t be nasty, i tried to be irritating... just to push people away from my life. Truth be told, i was angry at myself. I gave up on myself. A junior of mine told me "even a saint needs someone to guide him, in his time of need". I was suprised that a 14 year old kid, a decade younger then me, would know the meaning of this phrase. Then i realised that he needed me to be there for him, and that, in a circular way, i also needed him. In a nut shell, i just could not abandon the people i cared about, People who means this much more to me then myself.

I have always moved on with my life. I have always survived emotional attacks and my inner demons. I will survive again.... to start with my new begining.....


Elder-Grey blogged @ 2:06 PM | archives

---*make it real*---

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This egg hatches on 03/01/06! Adopt one today!
James Lee Ng
Gender: Male (Like Duhz!)
Age: Above 21 ;D
Nicknames: Moderator/Angel-x/LostFaith/EarlGrey
Marital Status: Single and Available
Lives with: Family at YCK area
Occupation: Executive Officer
Licence: Class 3 (W.e.f 13/04/06)



StarTrek (All Series): Member of StarTrek Fan Group of Singapore (STFGSG)
Aikido: Member of Aikido Shinju-Kai Singapore since November 2004.
6th Kyu (Blue Belt) 27th March 05.
5th Kyu (Blue Gold) 19th June 05.
4th Kyu (Brown Belt) 25th Sept 05
3rd Kyu (Brown-Gold) 19th Mar 06


Vulguar Words


Acting Appearences

"Men at 40 (Channel 8) Waiter"
"The Champions (Channel 8)CID Officer"
"Xi Ling Men II (Channel 8)Police/CID Officer"
"My Mighty In-Laws (Channel 8)Wushu Student"
"A Child's Hope II (Channel 8) Medic"
"Room in my Heart (Channel 8) Volunteer"
"My Lucky Charm (Channel 8)Wushu Student"
"Zero to Hero (Channel 8) HellGuard"
"Potrait of Home (Channel 8) Cameraman"
"Feng Niao (Channel 8) Ah Cai"
"Fa Yi X Dang An (Channel 8) Messenger"
"Ai Yoh, Wo De Ma (channel 8) Enviroment Officer"
"Wu Chu Cai Hong (Channel 8) Security Guard"
"Ai De Zhang Men Ren (Channel 8) Reporter (occuring role)"

Services Provided

Tuition: Once a week, One Subject (Eng,Lit,Geog or Chi), 2 hours per session SGD$180
Events Hosting/Emcee: Neg on Project Basis (SGD$90 - SGD$180 per project)
Advertisment Talent: Market Rate.


::Lester Ho Black (TJC)::
::Lester Ho White (TJC)::
::FengQuan (VJC)::
::David #Myplace::
::Zuohan #Myplace::
::Hafiz (Aikido)::
::Isaac (little Bro) (Aikido)::
::KangRui (CHS)::
::QiChao (CHS)::
::Sgstvoy A.K.A Ben (Startrek)::
::Dori A.K.A Fiona (Startrek)::

StarTrek Fan Group Singapore ::
Aikido Shinju-Kai Singapore ::
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