Saturday, November 06, 2004

6th NOV 04 Saturday 10PM


Back to blogging. The few weeks have been slow and uneventful. However, the past week was filled with activity. On Monday, had a date with Julius. He was at the clinic for some indigestion problem. After which we went for lunch and the movie ladder 49. It was raining madly when we came out of the cinema. We hung around abit waiting for the rain to stop somewhat then Julius went to get his shirt from sportslink. We walked around abit more after that and that was when i received a call from John. He and Chongsuo are going to a chalet at Pasir Ris and asked if they could spend the night at my place.

Got back home around 7pm. Waited, waited and then waited somemore before John finally called at about 9pm that they are coming over to my place. They came over and started to hog my PS2 and PC. Could only sleep at 3am in the morning. The next day, we went for breakfast and when we came back, it was the same old routine again. PS2 and PC gaming. I was too tired when he reached the afternoon so i took a nap.... AND THEY WERE STILL PLAYING when i woke up. my god... kids sure have alot of energy.

In the Evening, they went for their BBQ at the chalet. I tagged along and when we reached there, it was a very interesting sight. There were 2 BBQ pits and the boys were trying very hard to get the fire going. And they were using only a handful of charcoal. I offered some advice on the fire starting and John went shouting "The FIRE Expert is here!!!". How embarrassing....
Anyhow, they finally got the fire going.... after 3 hours. So the food was cooked and everyone was enjoying it. I made a couple of new friends too, Lester, Eddie, Raynold, Felix, Celine, Yao Xian and a few more which i have forgotten the names to. We hit if off quite well so we went out for Laksa at around 11pm. They camoe over to my place for awhile and then left for the chalet again.... (They needed to bathe) LOL. John And Chongsuo stayed behind and played my games somemore. So came the next day. In the afternoon, Lester, Eddie, Yao Xian, Celine and Eugene came over to my place for a visit. We went for lunch, they played my games abit more and then Lester had to leave for his Piano Lesson. Left with only Eddie and YaoXian now, we left my place at about 6pm to meet Lester at Tampines Mall for dinner and then coffee. We talked about life's experiences and then we all called it a night with each returing to our respective homes.


Time to meditate.


Elder-Grey blogged @ 9:58 PM | archives

---*make it real*---

Comments: Post a Comment
This egg hatches on 03/01/06! Adopt one today!
James Lee Ng
Gender: Male (Like Duhz!)
Age: Above 21 ;D
Nicknames: Moderator/Angel-x/LostFaith/EarlGrey
Marital Status: Single and Available
Lives with: Family at YCK area
Occupation: Executive Officer
Licence: Class 3 (W.e.f 13/04/06)



StarTrek (All Series): Member of StarTrek Fan Group of Singapore (STFGSG)
Aikido: Member of Aikido Shinju-Kai Singapore since November 2004.
6th Kyu (Blue Belt) 27th March 05.
5th Kyu (Blue Gold) 19th June 05.
4th Kyu (Brown Belt) 25th Sept 05
3rd Kyu (Brown-Gold) 19th Mar 06


Vulguar Words


Acting Appearences

"Men at 40 (Channel 8) Waiter"
"The Champions (Channel 8)CID Officer"
"Xi Ling Men II (Channel 8)Police/CID Officer"
"My Mighty In-Laws (Channel 8)Wushu Student"
"A Child's Hope II (Channel 8) Medic"
"Room in my Heart (Channel 8) Volunteer"
"My Lucky Charm (Channel 8)Wushu Student"
"Zero to Hero (Channel 8) HellGuard"
"Potrait of Home (Channel 8) Cameraman"
"Feng Niao (Channel 8) Ah Cai"
"Fa Yi X Dang An (Channel 8) Messenger"
"Ai Yoh, Wo De Ma (channel 8) Enviroment Officer"
"Wu Chu Cai Hong (Channel 8) Security Guard"
"Ai De Zhang Men Ren (Channel 8) Reporter (occuring role)"

Services Provided

Tuition: Once a week, One Subject (Eng,Lit,Geog or Chi), 2 hours per session SGD$180
Events Hosting/Emcee: Neg on Project Basis (SGD$90 - SGD$180 per project)
Advertisment Talent: Market Rate.


::Lester Ho Black (TJC)::
::Lester Ho White (TJC)::
::FengQuan (VJC)::
::David #Myplace::
::Zuohan #Myplace::
::Hafiz (Aikido)::
::Isaac (little Bro) (Aikido)::
::KangRui (CHS)::
::QiChao (CHS)::
::Sgstvoy A.K.A Ben (Startrek)::
::Dori A.K.A Fiona (Startrek)::

StarTrek Fan Group Singapore ::
Aikido Shinju-Kai Singapore ::
neopets ::
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