Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Tuesday 20th DEC 05 10:30pm


Before i start with my entry today, there is an important disclaimer that i have to put out first. That is, for this entry, i will be writting about the NKF saga. All of the comments that i will be writting on is MY OWN PERSONAL view ONLY. In NO way whatsoever am i ENCOURAGING or SUGGESTING in any way whatsoever that my readers FOLLOW my train of thought. My readers are free to make their OWN judgement and thoughts on the whole issue. IF, for whatever reason, you feel you DO NOT wish to read or feel that my entry on the NKF is uncomfortable to YOU, please DO NOT read further. Consider this due warning to all readers. I will NOT be responsible for ANY form of discomfort or loss in whatsoever way you suffer when you, BY YOUR OWN choosing, decide to read my said entry.

This Disclaimer is put forth in the wake of bloggers getting their asses cooked by their readers who, for some reason, decide to play hero and reported them to the police.

Consider yourself notified.

Now, i have spent a good 4 to 5 hours going through the report by KPMG on the audit findings of the OLD NKF management. I came out feeling utterly DISGUSTED and dissapointed at the way the old management team has worked. More specifically, Mr TT Durai. On the facts of the audit report, certain points are very clear.

There is a Gross mismanagement of the entire old team that was running the NKF.

The report showed that the old management team has given most, if not ALL powers to run the NKF to Mr TT Durai. Please remember this FACT, as it will come into play in the later part of my entry. Reading the report also made me feel that the old team was a really incompetent bunch of fools. When questioned about the discrepencies found during KPMG's investigations, The old Executive Committee has only "we trust Mr Durai fully", "We are just volunteers" to use as a defence. And they are very good at playing Yo-Yo with one another. The EXCO will try to justify their lapse in control with the fact that they are unpaid volunteers and that Mr TT Durai was the one that they trust fully to run the NKF. In turn, Mr Durai would try to push his responsibilities to the EXCO, saying that the EXCO is the one who was the total, final decision makers.

Such pushing of responsibilities is totally NOT what one would expect from a person holding on to a position of a CEO or for that matter, members sitting at the EXCO. By doing so, they have made themselves look childish and inmature. Let us not forget that the FACT remains that the ENTIRE EXCO has given Mr Durai ALL and ABSOLUTE powers to run the NFK as he deemed fit, for the betterment of the NKF. It's like, you catch a little boy stealing another boy's candy, when you question him about it, he points to an older boy and says "He made me do it".

GROW UP, Mr Durai. Be a man and admit to your mistakes. Maybe your god will find somehow to forgive you.

But let us not forget the EXCO. They may have given all powers to Mr Durai, but they appear to be very competent in handing out DONORs money with impunity. They saw it fit to DECIDE on money that is NOT theirs, and even to the extend of deciding to pay Mr Durai Hundreds of Thousands of DONORs money to Mr Durai. All these while, maintaining they are just "unpaid volunteers". So who gave them the right, as "VOLUNTEERS" to decide how donation money SHOULD be used? Perhaps because it's not THEIR money, they felt they could be EXTREMELY generous.

And Mr Durai, after reading the report by KPMG, has come across to me as a very cunning and sly fox. Greedy and totally unfit to be a CEO of ANY company. Why do i say so?


His hypocritical act of appearing to have sacrificed alot for the NKF. These are all very evident after reading the report. He had the AUDACITY to write and i quote " I would not be doing justice to the hundreds of paitients whom i have to cajole to pay their fees - which they do grudgingly. I know this will be painful to my wife who has to contend with the little resources I can provide her and the children. However, i believe that someone has to make that sacrifice..." At the very start, he was ALREADY drawing a salary of SGD$12,000 PER MONTH as the CEO of the NKF in 1992. For someone who draws a superscale salary every month, "limited resources" does not really seem to cut any ice with me. And that was in 1992. In 1995, he was drawing a salary of SGD$18,000 BEFORE he was offered the pay increase of SGD$30,000. "LIMITED RESOURCES"? Please, you make me vomit, Mr Durai. He declined the salary of SGD$30,000, and accepted a salary of SGD$25,000 instead. Prima Facie(ie, on the face of it), that would have made him saintly, or a person of such good heart that he was willing to sacrifice his life for the NKF. But what really happened was that his pay increment and bonuses were all BACKDATED as far as five years ago. Now, an educated person such as Mr Durai should have KNOWN what the back-dateing would translate to. If he was REALLY as sacrificing as he MADE himself out to be, Would he have accepted the backdated pay and bonuses? for that matter, would he have claimed the maintainence for his PERSONAL car? The Old EXCO, with their hardworking and upright sense of intergrity, decided to backdate his LEAVE increment, in tendum with his pay increment. Now, unless Mr Durai had the ability to travel back in time, what good is a BACKDATED leave entitlement? It could ONLY be for him to ENCASH that unused leave to get MORE of DONORs money into his OWN BLOODY POCKETS.

Mr Durai. You live in a Landed property, you have a good car. Most Charity workers live in HDB housing with a normal car, some dun even own their own transport. You have a car GIVEN to you WITH a Chauffer. PLEASE WAKE UP. You are working in a company that exsist to HELP the sick. You are not a CEO in a COMMERCIAL company.

Can you sleep at night? knowing that you are living in luxury while the people donateing their money dilligently every month can hardly earn enough to support themselves and their families? And YET, you still have the BLOODY GALL to take SO MUCH of DONORs money for yourself?

May you ROT in Hell.


Elder-Grey blogged @ 10:31 PM | archives

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This egg hatches on 03/01/06! Adopt one today!
James Lee Ng
Gender: Male (Like Duhz!)
Age: Above 21 ;D
Nicknames: Moderator/Angel-x/LostFaith/EarlGrey
Marital Status: Single and Available
Lives with: Family at YCK area
Occupation: Executive Officer
Licence: Class 3 (W.e.f 13/04/06)



StarTrek (All Series): Member of StarTrek Fan Group of Singapore (STFGSG)
Aikido: Member of Aikido Shinju-Kai Singapore since November 2004.
6th Kyu (Blue Belt) 27th March 05.
5th Kyu (Blue Gold) 19th June 05.
4th Kyu (Brown Belt) 25th Sept 05
3rd Kyu (Brown-Gold) 19th Mar 06


Vulguar Words


Acting Appearences

"Men at 40 (Channel 8) Waiter"
"The Champions (Channel 8)CID Officer"
"Xi Ling Men II (Channel 8)Police/CID Officer"
"My Mighty In-Laws (Channel 8)Wushu Student"
"A Child's Hope II (Channel 8) Medic"
"Room in my Heart (Channel 8) Volunteer"
"My Lucky Charm (Channel 8)Wushu Student"
"Zero to Hero (Channel 8) HellGuard"
"Potrait of Home (Channel 8) Cameraman"
"Feng Niao (Channel 8) Ah Cai"
"Fa Yi X Dang An (Channel 8) Messenger"
"Ai Yoh, Wo De Ma (channel 8) Enviroment Officer"
"Wu Chu Cai Hong (Channel 8) Security Guard"
"Ai De Zhang Men Ren (Channel 8) Reporter (occuring role)"

Services Provided

Tuition: Once a week, One Subject (Eng,Lit,Geog or Chi), 2 hours per session SGD$180
Events Hosting/Emcee: Neg on Project Basis (SGD$90 - SGD$180 per project)
Advertisment Talent: Market Rate.


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